Wednesday, January 13, 2010

not feeling well..... :'(

this is second week for my fifth semester...
i'm not feeling well...
from december last years, until now, my health not very good...
well....what's suppose i'm to do...?????
see a doctor..???
argh....i'm dislike to eat medicine...
well....seem that my fever too think i suppose to see a doctor...
hopefully i'm fine.....
this is my final years in UiTM...i hope will grade on time...Amin.....

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


today is tuesday, my class straight......from 8.30 to 4.30 p.m
i dont know whats wrong with my self, suddenly, today my appetie very big..!
already ate at 5 p. m, 8.30 p.m i ate ...and now....i'm still feel hungry.!
huh...i hope my weight will not effected...hopefully...
if not...i will jogging evey weekend...
diet is good for me. not only to ensure your body is sexy...nice....but...for's all about healthy lifestyle..!
yeah...I'm a type of person which taking care of my body. the most important thing, H.E.A.L.T.H.Y.....
prevention is better than cure... so,,, please take care of your self.... =)

Monday, January 11, 2010 monday ....

today is second week for this semester
as usual, the lecturer mostly start their lecture.
today is usual for me. suddenly i want to treat my housemate. don't know why, but, this is me. if i have more money, i will try to treat my family and my friends. this is one way for me to appreciate them and indirectly the relation can be more tight and close.
i like to treat my family. because for me, family is first.
i like to spend my time with my family, talks and talks and talks. so, we can more close and can discuss from heart to heart.
whatever it first. after Allah, for me, family....
that's all for today..
i hope my housemate enjoy diner with KFC just now....he3x.. ;)